Sustainable design and resilient infrastructure
Buildings throughout the Plan Area are required to be constructed for longevity and effectiveness in order to address these issues through green building standards, energy and water efficiency, heat island reduction, and infrastructure energy and materials efficiency.
In addition, central to Bayfront’s vision is a coastal resiliency approach is to create a resilient shoreline that adapts to the changing climate while maintaining essential functions of wave and water level protection.
The Bayfront Redevelopment Area will require large new energy flows to Jersey City’s west side to accommodate the planned construction of up to 8,000 residential units and 965,000 – 1.6 million square feet of commercial and retail space. PSE&G will expand its capacity to serve by installing subsurface energy delivery lines (wires and pipes) as a local distribution grid within the area roadways, upgrading nearby substations and switching equipment, and making arrangements for delivery of a long-term supply of electric power and natural gas to meet the expected loads.
To plan for the predicted increase in extreme storm events impervious surfaces throughout the Plan Area will be minimized to the greatest extent possible. Both gray and green stormwater infrastructure practices are proposed to be implemented throughout the Plan Area with the goal of reducing runoff volume during these more frequent storm events. With its location along the Hackensack River, the Bayfront Area is in a unique position to integrate green stormwater management measures to replicate the natural hydrology and water balance of the site.